Kiwanis Project Elves

Published On: December 21, 2020

Kiwanis of Carefree’s Adopt a Family Project Elves Are working hard putting together gift baggies for our Families!

At Wednesday’s outdoor gathering, the Upscale Singers directed by Margaret Watson regaled the crowd with Christmas songs while volunteers wrapped gifts for the 20+ families in the Kiwanis Adopt a Family project.

Kiwanians have also distributed more than 200 gift cards to deserving families chosen by the Cave Creek Unified School District. Greg Eckerman informed us about Eric’s House, a community for healing after addiction or suicide loss. In this season of giving, there are many ways to give.

Team Members:
Jana Miller, Lead
Mike & Mimi Poppenwimer
Susan Uhl
Karen MackiewichShoppers/Purchasers:
Alexis Sterling-Popovich, Lead
Larry & Ginny Key
Ralph & Gale Spurgin
Susan Uhl
Jana Miller
Biff Miller
Lauren & Brian Jack
Casey & Kimberly Jack
Alexis & Mike Popovich
Jackie Perry-Brown
Jackie Perry-Brown, Lead
Ralph & Gale Spurgin
Susan Uhl
Raye Gall
Ava Frick
Jana Miller
Alexis PopSupplies:
Ava Frick, Lead
Alexis S.P.

Colleen Walski, Lead
Jackie Perry-Brown
Alexis S.P.
Kimberly Jack
Joyce Jordan