Kiwanis/CCUSD Banner Presentation
Kiwanis president Joyce Jordan introduced Communications Committee Co-Chair Bob Moore, who brought forward new member, Leane Kok who is very actively involved with CCUSD High Sports. She had determined that the athletic venues would be well served with some banners calling out the close relationship between Kiwanis and our financial support over the years.
She invited Fred Auer, President of the High School’s Falcons Athletic Club, and Drew Ammon, Athletic Director, Cactus Shadows High School to come forward to accept three banners for hanging in different sports venues. Tom Leard, Chair of Kiwanis Schools and Education Committee assisted in the presentation.
Fred Auer took the opportunity to thank Kiwanis for their continuing support, for these new banners and the hope we would continue to work together in the future.
![Kiwanis CCUSD presentation Joyce](