June 1st Harold’s Meeting Summary
Kiwanis of Carefree met on June 1st 2022 and provided the Members with an excellent program of sharing some of what our Marketplace revenues have provided to the Community.

Dr. Cort Monroe, Superintendent of the CCUSD
The Schools and Education Committee, whose members are: Elaine Adrian, Don Balascak, David Court, Ted Dimon, Kathy Haugner, Ron Ireland, Tom Leard (Chairman), Michael Moore, and Paula Scully provided these speakers:
Dr. Cort Monroe and Dr. Patty Jensen made these remarks:
Please join the CCUSD community in extending our sincere thoughts and sympathies to the entire Uvalde community and especially to those families who lost loved ones in the horrific attack on Robb Elementary School this week.
As a school district, CCUSD stands committed to the safety of our students and staff as our number one priority. CCUSD has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan that addresses school crisis situations. CCUSD administrators have been trained and drilled on each type of emergency situation. The district has strong relationships with all the local municipalities and law enforcement partners to ensure our Emergency Operations Plan is up-to-date and thorough.
We are very grateful to KIWANIS for their continued support of the students at Cave Creek Unified School District. We could not do it without them. In 2021, our CCUSD Bond proposition was not voter approved and fell short by about 750 votes out of approximately 22,000 voters. That Bond would have supported technology, school safety upgrades, facility improvements, transportation and athletic facility improvements in a long term manner over 5-8 years. Because of this failure we seek creative and innovative ways to make up the difference in many of these areas as our students deserve the best. The Kiwanis Club of Carefree always answers the calls and helps partner with us to make up for these shortcomings as evidenced with much of the technology grants recently they have supported for students teaching and learning through the Schools and Education Committee:, thank you!