Jacqui Perry-Brown Shares Inspirational Films
Linda Wright, the Kiwanis President Elect, introduced Jacqui Perry-Brown who brought two films to us to view at the June 13th Meeting. Lisa Savage Black provided technical support for the showing of these films.
Jacqui’s first film was on the spontaneous and very under-reported 9/11 New York City Boatlift. This true story of the almost unknown response to a Coast Guard broadcast to “all boats” to assist in an emergency evacuation of Southern Manhattan as thousands of panicked people trying to escape the 9/11 bombings of the Twin Towers.
This film documented (with personal interviews) the fast thinking and action by the Coast Guard in responding to, quickly assembling (there was no time to organize) and deploying New York Ferries, commercial boats, and private boats to rescue over 500,000 people struggling to exit the disaster on the Southern tip of Manhattan when the bridges and tunnels were closed off. There was no way out to the South for these people.
This rescue, the NYC Boatlift (500,000) was much larger than Dunkirk (338,000) and much faster as this was all done in one day compared to Dunkirk which was over nine days. It was indeed a tribute to the quickly assembled volunteers with boats as well as commercial boats responding, to the call of the Coast Guard to step up and help at a time of desperate need by making trip after trip until all were safe and away from Manhattan. .
The second film was about US Staff Sgt. Travis Mills of the 82nd Airborne who became one of five quadruple amputees from Afghanistan. The film illustrated his extremely difficult rehab program which addressed not only his physical issues, but also his mental issues over many years. His wife was a key factor in his recovery. He provided a humorous and inspirational message about never looking back, appreciating what we have and owning your own attitude. He is today a motivational speaker and veteran’s advocate as well as an author.