CCUSD Recognizes All Of Kiwanis of Carefree’s Support
[October 18, 2021, Carefree, AZ] Key members of the Cave Creek Unified School District and the Kiwanis Team met on Thursday, October 14, to formally present the CCUSD with ten large banners that will be hung in each of the CCUSD schools. These banners represent and showcase the cooperative effort and support from the Carefree Kiwanis for the schools. Each year Kiwanis donates tens of thousands of dollars to support a multitude of programs for the CCUSD students.
Dr. Monroe offered these remarks: “Thanks to a generous donation by Kiwanis Club of Carefree, AZ, we have these amazing banners that are hung around the district. Kiwanis Club of Carefree is an integral member of the CCUSD community where volunteerism is celebrated.” Dr. Monroe said, “Kiwanis and CCUSD partner for the success of students. Kiwanis is part of the backbone of this organization.”
Bob Moore, Chair of the Communications Committee, noted what a pleasure it was working with Dr. Monroe and his staff in designing these banners with the simple message of partnership and volunteerism, and that several members of the CCUSD staff, who are members of Kiwanis, have already volunteered many hours to Kiwanis projects. Part of the objective of these banners is to encourage parents and others to actively consider joining Kiwanis, volunteering their time at the schools or at the Marketplace, or even shopping at the Marketplace where a large portion of the funds support Cave Creek community, always doing good for the kids and we are delighted to be partners with this amazing Unified schools.
About the Kiwanis Club of Carefree
“Serving the Children of the World” is the mission of Carefree Kiwanis, a 501 (c) (3) service organization, and the larger Kiwanis International. Locally we demonstrate our passion for helping children recognize and develop their full potential by giving scholarship and merit awards, sponsoring Key Club, “Bringing Up Grades” (BUGs), summer art programs, and mentoring to establish a thriving and supportive community in the Desert Foothills area. To find out more about Kiwanis Club of Carefree and to become a member visit

In the image from Left to Right (Top to Bottom): Nancy Scott, Director of Secondary Leadership; Aaron Bagwell, Principal of Desert Sun Academy; Bill Dolezal, Director of Secondary Student Services; Scott Brown, Governing Board Member; Beth Hatcher, Governing Board President; Kiwanis Member David Court, Kiwanis Member Robert Moore; Kimberly Jack, President of Kiwanis Club of Carefree; Cort Monroe, Ed.D., Superintendent, Dr. Patty Jensen, Executive Director of Elementary Services; Emily Hill, Principal of Lone Mountain Elementary School; Staci Wiese, Director of Academic Services; Kiwanis Member Larry Key; Janet Busbee, Governing Board Member; Sandra Carrier, Executive Director of Kiwanis Club of Carefree; Kiwanis Member Michael Moore and Aaron Pettinato, Principal of Horseshoe Trails Elementary School.