Poppy Peterson

Yes, “Poppy” is her real legal name, her Mother never told her why, maybe when you see her, a smile just “pops” on your face as she makes all people smile with her service to the community and her outgoing personality.
Her father was in the Navy so she moved around a lot at a young age, Boston, Panama, Portales, NM, and then Albuquerque, NM; so she developed a knack of easily meeting all types of kids and people as frequently she was in the minority at school. Her comfort and ease with people helped make her quite successful in sales early in her career.
When she and her husband moved to Rio Verde, AZ they bought a large five bedroom home and then proceeded to fill it with eight foster kids, five of whom they adopted (four girls and just one boy). From the beginning she and her husband were actively involved in their church, especially those activities related to helping kids that were shortchanged and in need of parents. They took them in from a very early age, one was only a few days old.
In addition to the adopted kids, they also took in animals, lots of animals; horses, dogs, cats, and others which always provided chores for the kids and taught them responsibilities. Poppy Peterson is now a grandmother of many, including one of their adopted girls that has five kids. Only one still lives at home, and he volunteers at the Marketplace. If you donate to the Marketplace, he probably helps you unload your treasure’s from your car.
Once the kids and animals were gone, except a couple of old dogs, Poppy Peterson wanted to find a job that would allow her to contribute to the community. She joined the Foothills Caring Corps eight years ago and is now the “Medical Transportation / Loan Closet Manager”. She makes transportation arrangements for up to 75 rides per week for people in the community who have no other transportation to get them where they need to be for doctors appointments and shopping. Additionally, if you need any type of medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, canes and specialty chairs; she is the one to see at the Caring Corps. She also volunteers at Kiwanis for special projects and is on the Education Committee and is Site Representative for the Black Mountain Elementary School.
Poppy joined Kiwanis over a year ago because her desire to work with children matched the opportunities to do so at Kiwanis. If you have a similar interest in helping kids and other members of our community, come join us and become a Kiwanian! Whether you have just a few hours a month or more, kids and the community can use your help. Kiwanis will find a place for you to help, and you will be very proud you did.
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