Kathy Haugner

Kathy Haugner

Kiwanis of Carefree is very lucky to have some key members who saw, participated, and enjoyed “the old days of Kiwanis”, and Kathy Haugner is one of them.

Kathy Haugner actively partook in Kiwanis events locally, regionally, and nationally with her husband, Alan, who was an early president, and then she rose through the ranks and became president herself in 2005 when we had a huge membership of 294 and she seems to remember most of them! She was truly an early “glass ceiling” breaker as the first female Carefree Kiwanian president! She went on to serve as a Lt. Governor in the Kiwanis Southwest Region.

Her strongest area of interest, having been a teacher, continues to be children where she was involved with founding and actively engaging in a range of our Kiwanis’ programs, including sponsoring nine youth groups like the Key Club, the Aktion Club, and the Builder’s Club.

One of her major contributions was committee forming and transitioning Kiwanis toward supporting many of the outside projects and local charitable organizations that we provide grants and funding for today. She truly supported the Kiwanis Mission, “Changing the world, one child and one community at a time.” Kathy Haugner is very proud of the wonderful things being accomplished by our club and she appreciates the support from the entire Foothills Community.

She, of course, remembers very well the original “garage sales, the old “warehouse” sales, which came before the Marketplace where she continues to volunteer.

Come and join Kathy and other Kiwanians who contribute their time and experience to supporting the needs of our local community.

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  • Kathy Haugner

Kathy Haugner

Kiwanis of Carefree is very lucky to have some key members who saw, participated, and enjoyed “the old days of [...]