Brent Downs

Brent Downs

As busy as Brent Downs is as Executive Director for the Foothills Caring Corp, he still has made time to join and volunteer at Kiwanis.

His non-profit organization provides a wide range of 11 different services across 8 zip codes with a footprint of 256 square miles. Last year they provided 28,000 “touch points” of service to over 1,000 individuals, including delivering over 20,000 meals! Their services range from Mobile Meals, Non-emergency Medical Transportation, and Recreational Van Outings. They call the people using their services, “Neighbors”.

Brent Downs is very well prepared and well suited for this job, as he spent the last 20 years in the non-profit sector in the Valley, first with “Crossroads” and then with “St. Joseph the Worker” in downtown Phoenix and surrounding areas.

This is after he spent 15 years in a “for-profit” family business and graduating from Louisiana State University with a BS in business.

His goal is to develop and expand “Community Awareness” of the needs of our community and illustrate the range of services the Foothills Caring Corp provides to the most vulnerable members of our community, the homebound seniors… it is far more than “a closet” of mobility assistance equipment. They are also in the process of building close relationships with other organizations to provide greater service to their “neighbors” in the community.

He feels that his goals and objectives are addressed well by the Kiwanis of Carefree and he is already contributing time, energy and years of experience to a number of Kiwanis committees; and he just joined us less than a year ago. It is hard to ignore his outgoing personality and quest for serving the community.

Why don’t you consider joining Kiwanis and work with Brent to continue to service our community?

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Brent Downs

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