Kiwanis is Projecting a “Banner Year!”
October 1, 2020 – Kiwanis Club of Carefree is moving into our New Year with newly elected officers, new plans, and goal to set a new record in support for our Kiwanis community! We are committed to creating awareness and recognition of the Kiwanis projects directed toward “supporting the kids” in this local area. We are posting banners in Carefree and Cave Creek calling attention to the Kiwanis activities as we do lots more than just having the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast twice a year! Each year, for the last several years, Kiwanis has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local community with scholarships, Chrome Book Computers, and financial support for local smaller, but very important charities and projects.
Shown here is the incoming Kiwanis president, Ms. Kimberly Marie Jack, presenting our new banner to Carefree Mayor Les Peterson and Vice Mayor John Crane, (just in case you don’t recognize them behind those respectful masks.)
Please, every time you see these blue Kiwanis banners, think of the kids the Kiwanis are helping right here in our own backyard! These kids need all the help we can give them.